four people on motorcycles on a rainy grey street
War Famine Pollution Death
an 18th century painting depicting four horses and their apocalyptic horsemen

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are figures present within the Christian faith that first appeared in the final book of the New Testament, Revelation, where it occupies a central place in Christian eschatology. The horsemen are the first four out of seven seals that, when broken, will mark the Second Coming of Christ and the beginning of the divine apocalypse, announcing the Final Judgement of God.

In Revelation, the order in which the horsemen arrive are: Conquest, (referred to as Pestilence in the Old Testament) War, Famine and Death. However, in the television series Good Omens written and created by Neil Gaimen based on his and Terry Pratchett's novel of the same name, the order was moved around slightly. This is the lore we will be focusing on.